тя spondyloarthrosis

Spondylarthrosis a chronic degenerative disease of man affecting the small spinal joints. Spondylarthrosis generally develops in the lumbar or cervical segments of the spine, often simultaneously with spondylosis. The development of spondylarthrosis is preceded by injuries or chronic microtraumas to the spine, by spinal strain, and by metabolic.

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Spondylosis, Spondyloarthrosis Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis ) is a degenerative disorder that may cause loss of normal spinal structure and function. Although aging is the primary cause, the location and rate of degeneration is individual.

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Spondyloarthritis is the term for a group of inflammatory diseases that cause joint inflammation, or arthritis. Most inflammatory diseases are thought to be hereditary. So far, there isn’t. златни стави гел

Spondylosis and Spondyloarthrosis The following is an overview of a common condition that is a frequent cause of low back and leg pain, along with details of some of the current forms of treatment which may help to relieve the pain and discomfort associated.

Spondyloarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the spine is a degenerative disease of the cartilage of the joints that can affect the cervical, lumbar or dorsal area. The causes of this condition can be age, trauma, vertebral deformity, infections, obesity, overload, postural problems and other alterations, such as rheumatism or collagen diseases.

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